Volunteer with us

We are a  social enterprise with big ideas and a small staff team.  Volunteers help us keep on top of our work.  We would not be able to provide our level of service without the skills and time that our volunteers give to the project.  Volunteers living in our local communities play a special role, as they can help us reach the families and other people who can most benefit from having access to our free books and events. 

Here are some of the volunteer roles and experience you will gain. Please contact us if any of these are of interest or to chat about how you can play a role in our aim to bring literature to all. 

Role Description – Reading with:

One to one reading mentor with parents and carers.

Role Description – Outreach Volunteer Role

To connect with community organisations to help us distribute free quality books where they can make a difference to literacy, educational attainment and quality of life. 

Role Description – Storyteller 

To facilitate improved access to literacy.

Role Description –Volunteer Book Grader Role

To process and grade used books. 

We are also running a number of creative art projects related to litreature from the Brown Street buillding and there are many creative volunteering and workshop opputunities upcoming.